Алла Леонидовна АрхангельскаяПреподаватель
Ольга Ивановна Руденко-МоргунПреподаватель
This course is addressed to beginners (level A1). It contains six basic topics: "The infinitive", "The imperative", “The present tense", "The past tense", The future tense" and "The verbs of motion". You will find two sections in each of these topics: "Lesson 1. Study and practice", designed for the independent work with the grammatical paragraphs and exercises (see the answers in "Keys to exercises" at the end of the book); "Lesson 2. Read, listen, talk", designed for the work with dialogues and texts.
Pay attention to the section "Reference materials". The hints in the exercises will help you to work with them effectively (see "Abbreviations and symbols" in the topics' parts). In that section you will find useful grammatical tables, as well as the "Verbs Vocabulary" which will be your guide in the journey through the world of the Russian verb.